Three Reasons to Bake With a Scale

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Are you team scale or team measuring cups? If you’re using measuring cups, I’m hoping to convince you to join the other side! To help you change your mind, here are three reasons to bake with a scale instead of measuring cups.

A picture with both a scale and measuring cups but when baking, one should always bake with a scale

If you’re sitting around wondering why your bakes aren’t as good as you’d like them to be, not using a scale may be the culprit. While most recipes in America are in cups, I would recommend taking the time to find a recipe in grams or ounces as using measuring cups can be detrimental to your bakes.

#1) Bake with a scale to promote accuracy

One cup of flour isn’t one cup of flour every time. However, 100 grams of flour is 100 grams of flour every time. There is so much room for error when using measuring cups due to air pockets, measuring incorrectly, etc which may be a reason why your bakes don’t come out as good as you would like them to. If you’re looking for precision and accuracy, go with a scale.

Getting hung up or lost on all the baking terminology? Study up here.

#2) Using a scale is more efficient

You know how with some recipes you add multiple ingredients at the same time or mix multiple ingredients together? Well with measuring cups you have to take the time to use them, switch to a different cup, maybe clean out a cup. However, you don’t have that inefficiency problem with a scale! Quickly weigh out multiple ingredients together in one bowl in half the time it takes to use measuring cups. Clean up is also faster because you don’t have anything extra to clean up.

Pouring sugar into a bowl to bake with a scale

#3) Using a scale means less to clean up!

You’re making a recipe and you need the full cup, the third, the half, and the quarter cup. And now you have to clean all that up. Also, you have to clean up the little mess on the counter that always come with using cups. Nobody like extra mess! However, with a scale, all that extra clean up goes away as you measure directly into the bowl.

Bake with a scale with one of these recipes:

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